For photographers, the personal project is the single, most formidable way we can push our limits and refine our artistic vision. Personal projects come in all shapes and sizes. Sometimes ideas are executed in a matter of weeks or months, while others take years to reach fruition. But while every photographic exploration follows a unique path, there are certain basic questions we can ask ourselves in order to create structure and definition for any personally driven work. Among these: Which ideas and concepts will make for a meaningful artistic journey? How do we determine realistic parameters for our photographic ideas? Where can we secure the resources we will need to see them through? What are proven strategies for developing and managing an ongoing body of work? When is a body of work complete and ready for presentation? What is the right venue for sharing our work publicly?
These are some of the questions we will explore as we focus on your work in my upcoming online class via PhotoPhlo “The Personal Project: From Concept to Final Presentation”.
The class is a weekend intensive and is meant for Intermediate and Advanced students. However, if you are already at work on your first project and need guidance, feel free to register for the class as well.